10 Warning Signs you Need a New Cellphone

As they say, smartphones are great investments so as long as they are working just fine, people tend to h**g onto them for as long as three years before replacing them.

While this might be a cost-cutting strategy for your budget, it might pay a toll on your phone’s sound quality, security issues, and more. So, what really are the telltale signs that you need a new phone?

Warning Sign # 1: Battery Drains Quickly

If your phone just got fully charged and then with just a fraction of time using it, the battery is drained, needing constant charging, that’s the time for a new phone, especially if your battery is not replaceable.

Warning Sign # 2: Line’s Choppy

If you have four service bars and the person you are talking to on the other line still complains he can’t hear you or the sound cuts in and out, you might already have a microphone problem.

Warning Sign # 3: Touch Screen’s Glitching

If your phone works just fine on some days, and gets less compliant to your swipes, needing for repeated taps to get a response, then your sensors are definitely not working well.

Warning Sign # 4: Random Reboots Happen

If instances where your phone suddenly reboots on its own, there are chances that it has malware or hackers are accessing it. However, if you scan it using an anti-malware app and found nothing unusual, your phone might just be old and electronics are worn out.

Warning Sign # 5: Operating System’s Outdated

If you are unable to update your operating system to the latest, then it might have an outdated software, slowing down your phone and possibly be susceptible to security threats. Search the latest OS for your phone or check your setting if your device is really up to date.

Warning Sign # 6: Technical Support’s Not Available

If your phone is just too old, your manufacturer or local repair shop might disregard your request for replacement parts and may consider your device as obsolete.

Warning Sign # 7: Camera’s Terrible

Even budget phones have great cameras these days, so if yours doesn’t give you an Instagram-worthy photos and only grainy images and less-than-brilliant colors, might as well consider buying a new phone.

Warning # 8: Device’s Internally Damaged

If your touchscreen doesn’t work properly, random phone reboots occur, or screen shows blacked-out pixels, that’s already more than just a cracked screen but an internal damage.

Warning Sign # 9: Storage’s Never Enough

If you are in constant dilemma of deleting photos and uninstalling apps because your storage is full and doesn’t have an external memory card to upgrade, it’s definitely time for a new phone. Storing photos on a cloud service like Google Drive or iCloud may do but if your phone only has 4 to 8 GB of memory, that doesn’t really suffice with today’s apps.

Warning Sign # 10: Headphone’s Wiggling

Dust and lint may get in your headphone’s port, as such, if you always wiggle your headphone jack to get sound to come through, and still no matter what headphones you use, it just doesn’t work, your phone might just be the problem and it’s definitely the last sign you need to watch out for in buying a new phone.


Although, we are not requiring you to buy a new phone at the nearest time possible, especially if you do not have the budget yet, but we do want you to acknowledge the 10 warning signs that we have mentioned, so that you would know when will be the best time to buy a new phone.

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