Headache? The Differences of Tylenol, Aspirin, Advil, and Aleve Gathered!

So you have an important thing to attend to and you experience a headache.  You have no choice but to take pain killers.  Your options are Advil, Aspirin, Tylenol, and Aleve – which one do you take?

As a normal person, I would think all of these d***s treat the same issue.  From a pharmacological standpoint however, they are all different.  So before taking them, you should know how they work and why people take them.  In addition to that, you should also find out if they are as safe choice to let the pain go away.

In this article, we will be giving you a slightly broad explanation as to how these d***s work.  Note that every person is different and that side effects may not be the same for you and another person.  Having that said, it is always the best to consult your doctor for these types of situations.

Aspirin, the most common type of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory d**g (NSAID)

via medicalnewstoday

As its name suggests, these d***s limit inflammation.  Ibuprofen and Bayer are the most common d***s under this leg; the common brand for Ibuprofen? – Advil.

There have been reports that if you take aspirin in low dosages, it can help fight heart diseases and reduce the risk of strokes.  There’s even some evidences that aspirin prevents the growth of c****r.

Aspirin aids us in k*****g the pain by slightly thinning our blood.  But we have to be cautious in utilizing this.  Why?  Because large amounts of consumption of NSAIDs can create stomach ulcers. Other side effects of Ibuprofen include:

  • Stomach aches
  • Hypertension
  • Skin sensitivity

Note that some d***s contain more substances than what we are expecting.  So it is safe to say that we always check the label before we take it.

Tylenol – the most popular brand name for Paracetamol

Biogesic is one good example of Tylenol.  In comparison to other pain killers, Tylenol has the lowest incidences of side effects.  But of course taking it too frequently can lead to very serious side effects.



via propublica

Typically, Tylenol is good for short-term aches and mild headaches if taken with proper dosage.  Paracetamol is processed through the liver which is why you should not take alcoholic beverages before or after consuming it.  Neglecting this can cause serious liver-related issues; also when large dosages are taken in an extended period of time.

Always remember to ask for an opinion from your doctor.  Taking in too much Tylenol can damage you than repair you.

Aleve – the popular brand name for Naproxen which is most often used for a headache

Naproxen and Ibuprofen have a lot of things in common but it should not be a reason why you can interchange the two for the treatment of your headache.

via drugsdetails

For instance, they both can promote stomach ulcers; for Naproxen, it’s a higher risk.  This is why most physicians advise not to take Napoxen on an empty stomach.

In addition to that, Naproxen should NEVER be taken with blood thinners, antidepressants, and diuretics.  So if you are unsure about one thing in your pain killers, visit your local health practitioner immediately.

Now that you know the differences of these d***s, it is advisable that you take in more precautionary measures to ensure you treat yourself and not damage your system.

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