What Are The Best And Most Strategic Ways To Find Lost Pets?

Here in the Philippines, it isn’t uncommon if you see a dog in the streets without its owner around. As a matter of fact, it has come to a point that it’s normal to see a stray dog; in most provinces yes but in the cities? – No. With our busy schedules and day-to-day scenarios of our work-and-sleep routine, we cannot deny the fact that our pets (if we have any) are left unnoticed or alone. They feel it and just like us, they want to escape the bitter-sweet feeling they are experiencing.

According to the American Humane Association, over 10 million domestic animals are either lost or stolen every year. Most of these animals are cats and dogs; one out of three pets will become lost at some point of their lives. Although that is the case, this fact still shouldn’t be accepted. Our pets are just like us; imagine if you went out missing, what would you do?

In this article, we’ll discuss some of the best tips we could gather to help you find your missing pet. Moreover, we’ll also give you some of the tricks on how you should be with your pets so they won’t be lost.

Before anything else, start dialing numbers

Call your next door neighbor, your friend from around the block, your friend next street, city, or town. By calling them and asking for their help, you can then determine at what estimated time your pet got lost. Call animal centers, rescue groups; if you’re here in the Philippines, call your barangay, call guard-houses, etc. It’s important for you to notify them of the occurrence so if they sight your pet, they’ll contact you.

Double-check the feasibility of putting up LOST PET signs

Some places are not fond of having signs like this put up in public. Especially if you live in a city where it’s visited by tourists. Here in the Philippines, notify the town/city/municipality that your dog is lost. Afterwards, hit up lost pet signs at least two (2) in each street so they know.

By having this, you can now be confident that people in your village/neighborhood has the idea that a pet is missing. They’ll now be extra careful and keen when they’re outside.

Use social media

Yes, social media can be of big help for you to find your missing pet. In addition to the signs, posters, flyers, a Facebook post can go a long way, too. Tell your friends and your family about it and let them know what happened. Moreover, you can contact local groups and businesses on Facebook for them to notify you if they ever see your pet. Ensure that your social media post includes details of your pet such as birthmarks, chains, accessories, etc. Also include the color and some of your pet’s characteristics.

Tell people who regularly jog or walk around the neighborhood


Have a glance outside and see the people who constantly jog or walk around the village/area. Or the neighbor who’s constantly walking their dog/s or pet/s. That way, they’ll know what to do if they encounter a pet without an owner in the streets.

Having that said, you should now also always h**g outside. Have a drink outside while waiting for a response from someone whom you’ve asked. Spend most of your time outside to see if potential witnesses or better, your pet will come around.

Remember your pet’s habits/instincts? It’s time for you to do now

Cats h**g or gather in places where food is available to them. Thus, they’re more likely to visit a place where they know food, water, and shelter is available for them. This feature of cats are referred to as magnetism.

On the other hand, dogs navigate by scent. As per Jeffrey Klugera Science writer for Time, dogs move around “overlapping circles of familiar scents.” With this, try to leave a piece of clothing or fabric or any of your dog’s or your things in an area where your dog was reported last seen. If you weren’t able to receive reports, try and distribute these pieces of fabric in your neighborhood. The chances that your dog will pick this scent up is higher; the chances of them going back home also increases.

Trust your pet and their likelihood to survive


Of course, we love our pets as much as we love ourselves and losing them can be a bit painful. Because we babied them so much, we are not paranoid that they won’t be answering to the harsh environment of the outside world. However, just like us, animals do whatever they can to survive. First, they’re free and they’re not enclosed just to a certain space. Second is they have brains; they think, maybe not like we do but they do.

Do not give up on your pet

This is not in line with you having to cry all-day missing your pet. Of course, you also need to consider the fact that your pet is out there and that you should not worry and not be care-free at the same time. Yes, I definitely understand the need to worry but you don’t have to make it to a point where it hinders you to continue what you do on a regular basis.

Cling on the things you’ve done. You’ll know you did whatever you can; you’ll feel it. After doing so, lay back and rest. You’ve done your part. Your pets have hearts too so they’ll feel if they’re near home o not. Don’t give up.

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