Choosing The Right Words Can Actually Make You Appear Smarter – Avoid Using These Words

Intelligence has been one of the many things people fight about. Ever since inventions and innovations were around, arguments is one of people’s hobbies. From the time when people thought the earth was flat, to the time when people would argue that iOS is better than Android, it’s a no-brainer to think that people wanted to out-stand everyone else. Although this is the case, some people are actually smart; some people on the other hand just appear smart. How? Because of the words they use. Apparently, there are words that make you sound right and smart even if you aren’t.


In this article we will be telling you what words you shouldn’t use. For the purpose of sounding smart or right, words can actually tun tables.


Ever since the start of satiric and comedic statements, people misuse the word period. In definition, a period is something that concludes or stops a sentence. While others may think that this is a regular visitor of women, its common use is actually grammatical. Most people make the mistake of using period as a punctuation and saying it out loud. It has become an unnerving expression and you should avoid using it. Always remember that the rules of written and verbal language is different.


Do not mistake me, irregardless is a legitimate word. However, grammarians tend and recommend using the word “regardless” instead of “irregardless.” Because this word has been so misused, its true definition is now becoming blurry and inauthentic. Thus, use regardless instead.

Literally and Actually

If you try and look up both words, literally and actually are adverbs. Just a quick refresher for everyone, adverbs are modifiers of adjectives – another modifier. So, if you would use it in a sentence, it would emphasize or dramatically increase an adjective’s use or tone. However, over the years, both words are now being used figuratively. Let’s say for example, someone says a statement, and a person really agrees with that, then the person would say “actually” or “literally.” It has become a one-word expression that is really incorrect.


Just to be clear, ’til is not considered as an actual word. Although it can be used as a shortcut for ‘until,’ wouldn’t it be better if you just jot the complete and correct word instead? ’til has been used for years now and it’s still a bit bugging whenever I see it. In addition, most people misuse and replace the words” ’til, till, and ’till. In order for you to be sure, just use “until.” And besides, it’s just one syllable away.

Really and Very

As informal as it may seem, a lot of people still utilize them. Many people use them as emphasis for words that are over-the-top. “very good,” “really tiring,” etc. In fact, whenever they use, really and very, they are missing some points and they’re just trying to make it sound like they are truly feeling it. Removing really and very in your sentences can have great impact on your intellect. As a matter of fact, there are words to replace those:

  • “Very good” – Excellent
  • “Really tiring” – Exhausting

You just need to find its appropriate meaning and you shall not fall on the verge of being redundant and pointless.


Both words carry different meanings. Detailed having a separate meaning and oriented having another. This error is most often seen in resumes and little did they know that it confuses employers when in fact you can be detailed and oriented at the same time. Detail-oriented is something that myself could not further explain because again, it carries two different definitions.


Depending on the way you say it, using basically can make you sound ornate. Whether you use it to start a sentence or a point, you can try removing it; you’ll realize that the point you’ll say won’t make any difference. You’re just trying to fill out spaces by using these types of words and that isn’t something you want.


In conclusion, there are certain words that should be used to a minimum in order for you not to sound pompous. Furthermore, people can take these as hints; especially employers. What you can do to sound better and smarter is to broaden your vocabulary. Stray from using these words and from misusing them to a maximum. Instead, shorter sentences are actually better. Remember in a lesson; the shorter, the better.

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