Things You Need To Look At After Driving Through A Flood

Floods happen in every part of the globe. Unless you’ve always lived in a mountain or some place higher, for sure you’ve had the experience of going through floods. Having a car d***n down a sea of flood is not at all healthy. Moreover, it can cost a lot of money when you try to have it repaired. Although floods are really inevitable for many, you can check the status of your cars yourselves.

Why is it so important to check your car first before actually delivering it to a casa? Well you might not know what danger lies ahead. When you check your cars first, you are literally gauging what damages the catastrophic flood has done to your car. Furthermore, you’ll be able to see what types of repair can be done; what things are relevant and what are not.

In this article, we will thoroughly teach you things you need to check if you’ve driven your car through unexpected, muddy waters.

Observe the behavior of the engine after you’ve cleared yourself out of the flood

Depending on how deep you had your car through the flood, you need to check and observe its engine. You need to properly and carefully observe if there have been changes in the engine. Most commonly, the following would be the things you might experience:

  • Idling might become jittery
  • Unusual noises when the engine is on
  • Out-of-nowhere sounds while in motion
  • Sudden loss of power or force

If these things are occurring, pull up in a safe, dry, and workable area and do the following:

Check the air filter

If water successfully entered through the passage where air gets in then your filter element and airbox might be wet; more reason for you not to continue rolling. However if it’s dry, then water might have entered through a separate breach. A thorough inspection by a qualified mechanic will be needed.

Have a look at your oil dipstick

If water positively entered your engine, water droplets will surely be present on your dipstick. In addition, the oil on it can appear milky as well. This one is a clear sign of water contamination. What you need to do is to cling on and hope that it did not cause any mechanical damage to your engine yet. In some cases, a hydrolock may occur. This means that the engine has stalled due to broken piston rods and other forms of serious damage-caused by water.

Don’t restart your car

If you’re 100% positive that water filled up you mill, don’t restart the car to call for help. Water contamination in an engine is a crucial scenario. The best thing to do is to have it towed or pulled to a mechanic for diagnosis, possible repairs, and oil replacements.

Check your floors

If you’ve driven through human-height flood, chances are water entered through your car’s undercarriage. Check the interior of your car; remove the mats and examine it. Never EVER let water sit  in your interior. Dry it out; wipe it down and vacuum/air/blow dry as soon as possible. Most cars have their airbag controllers under the driver’s seat. It should always be kept out of moisture for it not to misbehave.

Check your brakes

Driving through a flood could not only endanger your engine; it can also make your brakes stop its functions. Usually, your brakes lose its grip and tend to slide more after getting soaked in water. Don’t try and throttle both the gas and the brakes just yet. What you should do is to tap on the brakes a few times before you continue your usual drive. By doing this, you’re letting the contact of your pads and rotors return to their normal behavior. Thus, leaving the brakes safe and normal.

Observe the area where your spare tire is

Although you might think this is irrelevant, it actually is one important thing. Water that might have soaked your spare tire underneath can help the formation of rust in between your tire’s bolt. Check on them and clean them as soon as you can to prevent rust from forming. If you just leave it there, the bolts and contacts of the tire can lose its grip and therefore, your spare tire will be useless.

Cars are not all about style and performance, check the electrical connections, too

Yes you need to check on the electrical connections of your car to avoid shortening or malfunctioning. Worst case? Well it might just not pass the electricity on and therefore, the electrical fuses won’t run. Although modern cars today are water resistant, it’s never a guarantee that moisture did not form and enter electrical circuits which can cause shortening. Double check fuses in the fusebox and see if everything is still in place. When a fuse is confirmed busted, trace the specific part by referencing the legend usually found on the fuse box cover. Moreover, checking your computer box and seeing if it took a dip is a good help as well. Wipe and dry it with a clean cloth to remove as much moisture as possible. You should also check your lights as well.

Driving through waters is never a good idea. Yes, it’s inevitable but safety precautions are your only weapon. If you see a flood coming, think twice about getting your car out. Always remember that it’s better to be safe than sorry.

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