Potter’s Butterbeer Craze

Expecto Petronum!

Potter fans all over the world have been longing to hear that again since the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. There were rumors that this was the last of the Harry Potter series because according to some showbiz articles and websites, J.K. Rowling will no longer write a successor. But the great news is, another book is available and that is the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Before it will be released in theaters, fans are becoming more and more crazy and thirsty for it.

This is why they have built Hogwarts in real life in some amusement parks in Japan and in the United Kingdom where they serve Butterbeers. This is where they originated and it is said to be the official drink of Harry Potter. This drink has become the craze and a must drink for the Harry Potter’s fan whenever they visit the so-called real life Hogwarts.

Actually, there is a café called The Nook Café located in Maginhawa, Quezon City, Philippines, which also serves Butterbeer. The said Butterbeer is a child safe drink, so parents and chaperons, worry not.

Starbucks created a Butterbeer-flavored frappe for the fanatics. The fandom and the massive demand exploded in just a snap, more because of this famous drink. However, Starbucks hasn’t officially claimed that the Butterbeer frappe will be included in their menu. But then, it is said that they would have it in their “Secret Menu” which can definitely make you feel one of the wizards. It is also said to have a perfect partner – a slice of coffee cake; pretty sure, it will be bucks-worthy. Sounds amazing and delicious huh? So here is Starbucks’ recipe for the Butterbeer Frappuccino:

  • A crème Frappuccino base. Don’t skimp on the fat by asking for skim or 2% milk as whole milk is required for the right consistency.
  • 3 pumps of caramel syrup
  • 3 pumps of toffee nut syrup
  • Whipped cream
  • A good drizzle of caramel syrup

The secret menu is the whole milk. The whole milk has this enough flavor to be the platform for other syrups to initially launch the Butterbeer taste and sensation to the drinkers. Yes, it isn’t actually a good drink for the healthy conscious people but it will then be veritable for the die-hard fans. It will be available until March 21st in the US and in Canada. So for the Asian fans, keep your fingers crossed to the fact that Starbucks will point their wand and poof! Let their fans over the east taste this glorious drink.

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