Diet Soda Might Not Be So “Diet-Friendly”

Diet Soda

Diet soda, as healthy as it may sound, is not so healthy after all! Ever since the introduction of this product, the number of people having type-2 diabetes has increased. C****r, arteriosclerosis, and osteoporosis are just some of the medical conditions being linked to consumption of products that use artificial sweeteners such as sucralose and aspartame. However, these assumptions are … Read more

How Impactful Diabetes Is To Our Bodies


Diabetes has been a major disease that’s k*****g a lot of people each year. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it k***s approximately 3.4 million people every year. Furthermore, around 350 million people in the world has diabetes. It’s a disease that is silent but will definitely take a toll if it’s left unnoticed. … Read more

Diabetes May Be The Reason Why You Are Experiencing These

Symptoms of diabetes

Diabetes was one of the most notorious diseases then until now.  Type 2 diabetes is quickly becoming a health problem for everyone.  In the Untied States,  more than 1.4 million new cases of Diabetes sprout each year.  The bad thing about that is that almost 25% of people with it don’t realize they have it. … Read more