Human Semen Reported to Possibly Carry at Least 27 Different Viruses

Men and women both are susceptible to viruses. However, have you ever thought that semen or sperm could carry such viruses? A discovery about human semen to possibly carry at least twenty seven (27) viruses was made just last year. News broke out, telling everyone that the Zika virus can ultimately survive in harsh conditions; it survives in semen for up to six (6) months after infection.

Scientists and researchers found at least 27 different viruses in the human sperm
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The pair of researchers from the University of Oxford decided to have a look at what viruses could possibly be living and surviving in our semen. Unfortunately, both of them found little-to-no work on the subject. They went on to try searching through everything that has a link between semen, seminal fluid, viruses, sperm, and all other things relating to these subjects. To their surprise, they were able to find a few things that could help with their claim.

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What they found out is that human semen, can actually contain at least 27 different viruses. Out of these 27 viruses, eleven (11) of which are able to dwell in the testes. These things were found in the Emerging Infectious Diseases journal and they were dumbfounded when they found about this.

Different viruses such as hepatitis and HIV, can spread through semen. Both the researchers were shocked when they unearthed the fact that a lot more viruses can be found in the semen than what we know about. The actual diversity of viruses suggest that their ability to dwell in the reproductive tract of males (in the testes) is likely dependent on the living conditions of the microorganisms and the viruses.

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The researchers, however, noted that other than the factors concerning these viruses, there might be other things to consider or to look at as well. One thing is that if the person’s immune system is suppressed from another infection, making them more prone to other viruses and infections. What immunosupressed means is that a person’s immune system is experiencing a reduction in the efficiency and effectivity. Another is the person’s hereditary history and lifestyle; however, we still can’t conclude.

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In addition to the state of being immunosupressed, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) could play a bigger role. Even though those things were cleared out, they’re still on certain whether or not all infections are caused by STDs. This latest study, however, was still not able to conclude; we still aren’t sure whether or not these are big issues.

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So, the research continues. Both researchers and people who are into this subject are warning to have more work and research to carry out. Because now, we’re still not sure whether or not these 27 different viruses found in the testes and in the semen and in the testes is truly enough to be infectious and if they can be transmitted sexually.

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