How Often You Should Be Rebooting Your Router


In our interconnected world, a stable and reliable internet connection has become a necessity for both work and leisure. A crucial component of this connection is the router, the device responsible for managing the flow of data between your devices and the internet. Like any electronic device, routers can encounter issues that affect their performance … Read more

7 Things To Never Store On Your Smartphone


In an era dominated by the ubiquity of smartphones, these handheld devices have transformed the way we live, work, and interact. Our smartphones have evolved into digital Swiss Army knives, capable of performing numerous tasks, from communication and entertainment to financial management and document storage. However, as we entrust our smartphones with increasingly sensitive and … Read more

Best Ways to Charge your Device to Make it Last Way Longer

In today’s fast-paced world, our devices have become an integral part of our lives. Whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, we rely heavily on these gadgets to stay connected, be productive, and entertain ourselves. However, one common concern among device users is battery life. We constantly seek ways to maximize the battery’s lifespan and … Read more

Ways on How you can Clean your Keyboard

It’s dirtier than you think. Your keyboard is an essential input device for most electronic devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, allowing users to communicate and interact with their devices in a fast and efficient manner. The purpose of a keyboard is to input text, numbers, and commands into a computer or other … Read more

Starlink Project to Provide High-Speed, Low-Cost Internet Connections

Starlink Project Illustration

Elon Musk, owner of SpaceX, the organization which leads space-technology, advancements, and innovation, looks to improve and give better service to both the public and to companies. They’re planning to launch Starlink project, their project which would provide fast, reliable, and cheap internet connection—a true delight to the ears of consumers. Read: Facebook Has A … Read more

What are the F1 to F12 Keys Really For?

Functions of the F keys on a keyboard

The keyboard is considered as the pen of today—with everyone using it to write stuff either on blogs, on social media, or even projects. The keyboard is a self-explanatory tool but some people find it difficult to understand what other keys are for. In this article, we will be discussing the one that you may … Read more

Messenger’s New Redesign: What’s New?

Facebook Messenger's New Redesign Feature

It’s already an era that almost everyone is using a smartphone. Each and every day we use our phones to communicate with each other, spend free time playing games or even watching a video to make time pass by faster. Surely you know or might have heard of the app Facebook Messenger, right? Way back … Read more

The $29 iPhone Battery Replacement Ends in December

Battery replacement

If you were not aware, Apple had a program wherein they replaced iPhone batteries for a very low cost. From the original $79 cost, they had it down by $50. This $29 iPhone battery replacement truly hyped everyone and so, millions of iPhone users took advantage of Apple’s promo. This year, however, the hype ends. … Read more

Facebook may Release an Unsend Message Option in Messenger

Ever hesitated in sending a message to your friends? Have you ever ran into that dilemma? If yes, then you should start enjoying. Facebook might soon roll out an unsend message option in Messenger. Yes, you will now have the option to retreat in sending that message. This new feature, however, is still currently in … Read more

Updated Android Hacks You Need to Know this 2018

Android, considered to be one of the more famous operating systems, actually have different tricks up its sleeve. Meaning, there are some ways and things most Android users don’t know about. Moreover, these Android hacks are hidden in order for them not to be easily accessed by people for some reasons. In this article, we … Read more