Foods that Make a Healthy Pancreas


In our system, all of our organs complement each other. This is why a lot of people say God is the best artist because everything in our system correlates to our health. The pancreas, one of the more unnoticed organs, is actually an essential part of our system. To give you a brief definition of … Read more

Diet Soda Might Not Be So “Diet-Friendly”

Diet Soda

Diet soda, as healthy as it may sound, is not so healthy after all! Ever since the introduction of this product, the number of people having type-2 diabetes has increased. C****r, arteriosclerosis, and osteoporosis are just some of the medical conditions being linked to consumption of products that use artificial sweeteners such as sucralose and aspartame. However, these assumptions are … Read more

How Does Stress Affect The Brain?


Stress is basically defined as “the brain’s response to any demand,” this is according to The National Institute of Mental Health. This simply means, based on the given definition, that stressing out itself is not at all dreadful. It is just merely a reaction or response on certain circumstances. It’s a feeling when one is congested … Read more

How Impactful Diabetes Is To Our Bodies


Diabetes has been a major disease that’s k*****g a lot of people each year. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it k***s approximately 3.4 million people every year. Furthermore, around 350 million people in the world has diabetes. It’s a disease that is silent but will definitely take a toll if it’s left unnoticed. … Read more

No More Exercise To Burn Fat?


Weight is something that is difficult to cope with. Moreover, we develop fat depending on our lifestyle. Since this is the case, our ancestors thought of a way on how to moderate it in our bodies – exercise. However, not everyone exercise. In our time, a lot of people miss on exercising. Jobs, hobbies, even … Read more

Diabetes May Be The Reason Why You Are Experiencing These

Symptoms of diabetes

Diabetes was one of the most notorious diseases then until now.  Type 2 diabetes is quickly becoming a health problem for everyone.  In the Untied States,  more than 1.4 million new cases of Diabetes sprout each year.  The bad thing about that is that almost 25% of people with it don’t realize they have it. … Read more

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