RSVP: What Does it Mean?

RSVP Invitation

If you’ve ever been invited to a party—a formal one, then I am pretty sure that you have already encountered the term RSVP. A lot of people know what it is in essence—it is an invitation, but they aren’t sure what the abbreviation means. Well, fret no more because we will be discussing what the … Read more

Chinese Teenager Saves 14 People From a Burning Building

Saves 14 people from a burning building

Social media has been one of the mediums of sharing different stories, insights, opinions, and entertaining stuff. As a matter of fact, it is being used by individuals, even big companies in promoting what they have to offer. Just recently, a Chinese teenager saved 14 people from a burning building—he did that in just half … Read more

How Long Should You Brush Your Teeth?

The amount of time on how long you should brush your teeth

Since we were children, brushing our teeth was one of the things our parents wanted us to do—both in the morning when we wake up and before we hit the sheets. They wanted us to make this action muscle memory so that we don’t need to be reminded when we wake up. The promise is … Read more

Secret Messages Pilots Send Using Seat Belt Signs

Secret Messages Pilots Send Using Seat Belt Signs

People who ride airplanes most of the time do not notice the importance of the seat belt sign. As a matter of fact, they tend to think that it’s just a general sign or thing. However, it has something deeper, much more symbolic meaning than just putting your seat belts on. Pilots send some messages … Read more

What are the F1 to F12 Keys Really For?

Functions of the F keys on a keyboard

The keyboard is considered as the pen of today—with everyone using it to write stuff either on blogs, on social media, or even projects. The keyboard is a self-explanatory tool but some people find it difficult to understand what other keys are for. In this article, we will be discussing the one that you may … Read more

Scientists reveals First-Ever Picture of a Black Hole

First Black hole image

Stars? Universe? Space? Black Holes? These things are things that we can only have a sight of over the Internet. However, some of the images that we see online are not legitimate. But would you ever want to see a real picture of something in the universe? You might be one of those people how … Read more

Bacteria That Eats Plastic Found in Zambales

Bacteria that eats plastic found in Zambales

Every now and then, we hear or see the news bearing some ocean animal passing away. In accordance to that, investigators and researchers are able to find different substances in the stomachs of these creatures. Just last 15th of March 2019, a beaked whale was found lying on the shores of Compostella Valley. The shocking … Read more