The 10 Most Powerful People in the World 2016

Vladimir Putin

Power – when that word comes into play, what is the first thing that comes into your mind? Power is a word that can define what a human being is. In other words, a person with power can both be a negative and a positive trait. A powerful person can be a person who can … Read more

These Scientists Died Strangely After Making These Discoveries

What would be in your first line of thinking whenever you hear someone or something mentioning Scientific discoveries?  Mine would be: a new world, a new life, more capabilities, less problems, and so on.  Okay, so a scientist or a group of scientists discovers something that could change how the world runs and then they … Read more

Tips To Create A Cool Home – Advice from an Architect

Cool Home

Wherever you may be, having a cool home should be one of the things you should think of; add that if you live in a tropical country like the Philippines.  Beating the price of the electricity is one; beating the heat is another.  So how do you transform your home to a cool one without … Read more

21 Common Dream Symbols And What They Mean


Whenever we dream, we can think of it like vivid letters from the back of our minds – our unconscious.  Before, people thought that these dreams come randomly and are just like shows or programs of our minds that entertain itself when we’re asleep.  Fortunately now, we have dream analysts and researchers who dig deeper … Read more

15-minute Study Hack Improves B+ Students and Made them As

Study Habit

It was a long time ago that studying has been yearned to be improved by a lot; researchers, teachers, policy makers, even parents.  Programs have been changing now and then, curricula has been re-engineered and redesigned,and parents persuade their children to go to school more. Credits to the photo’s owner.  Taken from here. A different approach … Read more

7 Simple Hacks To Help You Fall Asleep Backed By Science

7 Simple Hacks

In today’s time, falling asleep became more difficult especially with all the innovation and technology we have come across.  In line with this, we tend to treat technology as our sleeping aid but we fail to understand that it causes us to be more awake.  All of us deserve a good-quality sleep but a lot, … Read more

The 5 Most Expensive Sneakers in the World


You buy shoes so you can wear them, right?  But what if it costs so much that you actually think about wearing them after buying?  If you think that shoes are just what they are, think again.  You may have encountered shoes that are worth so much but you won’t believe these shoes.  We will … Read more

20+ Popular Brand Names Commonly Mispronounced


In our generation, different brands from all across the globe are slowly emerging from time to time. Some brands are already existent from the time we are not yet here while some are just new. A lot of brands have different pronunciations from the way it is spelled mainly because it was born in a … Read more