Having kids is not that easy. I meant that in both ways – in wanting to have and in literally having. When trying to conceive, couples do what they can for it to be successful. Sometimes, guessing is enough. Women often feel what they’re about to have and this can be one good reason in determining whether they’re pregnant or not. However, there are instances when what they feel is not just right. Whatever it is, it is important to know the signs of infertility.
“If you think there’s something wrong, listen to your body. Talk to your doctor whether you want to get pregnant or not,”says Meike Uhler, MD, a fertility specialist with the Fertility Centers of Illinois.
I am sure that all of you are eager to know if there are hints of infertility around you. Well, good thing because we’ve come up with a list that are little cues of infertility. Why? Because it might just be more than that; it can endanger your life as a whole. And, just to remind you, you should always consult your doctor of whatever you are feeling and whatever your plan is. This list may be wrong, it may be right. Most women experience them while some don’t so, it’s still best to talk to your health care professional about it.
Hands and feet are cold ALWAYS
Do you feel a constant gush of coolness in your extremities? If yes, then it is advisable that you have your thyroid levels checked. According to Dr. Uhler, having icy feet and hands is one clear sign of hypothyroidism. This unfortunately, can negatively affect the menstrual cycle and can lead to irregular ovulation. In order for you to know if your levels are normal, you can have your blood checked. Aside from this sign, forgetfulness, dry skin, constipation, and fatigue without reason are also signs of this. Visit your doctor immediately if you know you are experiencing this.
You have milk you shouldn’t
Unless you’re breastfeeding or pregnant, there shouldn’t be anything coming out of your nipples. But if something’s leaking, it’s one good sign of hyperprolactinemia. This is a condition where your body is producing too much prolactin (the breastfeeding hormone). A wide variety of causes are out there from medications to thyroid problems. If you are experiencing this, don’t be afraid and shy to mention it to you gynecologist because hey, it is their duty to help and treat you. In addition, you are not subject to operations or such; a blood test can identify it and a simple medication can treat most cases.
Periods are painful in a weird way

Oh well, pain during a woman’s period, it’s a normal thing. But if the pain affects your lifestyle or your daily routine, then it’s something that you need to have checked. According to Dr. Uhler, pain should range from mild to severe but tolerable but not to the point that it hinders you from your everyday activities. If it stops you from going to work, school, or where else, it may be a sign of endometriosis. It is a condition in which the lining of the uterus grows outside of it. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine says that this condition affects up to the half of infertile women. One quick and easy fix is to consult your doctor and he/she would recommend birth control pills. But, TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR FIRST!
Periods have no pattern – Constant or no periods at all

Well, if you feel that you’re lucky and pregnant because you’ve missed your period more than normal, it can actually be a sign of a condition called “ovulatory dysfunction.” Normally, the ovary needs to release an egg in order for it to be fertilized. But, if you’re not ovulating at all, you won’t get your period. Let me give you a short refresher on how menstruation works. Your period (the bleeding) will come if NO sperm reaches the EGG that your ovary released during ovulation, explains Dr. Uhler. If you have cycles longer than 35 days or shorter than 21 days, it’s just right to visit your doctor immediately and have yourself checked. This is to know if you are ovulating because if not, it might be a sign of infertility.
Facial hair for women?
Although it’s a normal thing for hair to grow in some parts of the body, sprouting hair in unusual places (face, thighs); or losing it in important places (head, eyebrows) is a clear sign of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). This condition simply means that your hormones for reproduction are not very active; this then can lead to the difficulty of your ovaries to produce an egg. According to WomensHealth.gov, “PCOS is one of the most common, but treatable causes of infertility in women.” Consult your doctor if you are in doubt of experiencing this because birth control medication usually treats the situation.
Obesity can be a sign of infertility
According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, obesity causes almost 6% of infertility. Body fat can store reproductive hormones which can then give wrong signals to the brain to the ovary. It messes with the timing of the release of the egg, which makes it harder for present sperm to hunt. So if you are currently concerned about conception because of your weight, do not hesitate to consult your gynecologist and talk about the odds of conceiving.
I just want to re-iterate that these signs are not 100% right. But most women and studies have reported that majority of these signs are indeed causes of infertility.
Feeling one or two of these and worried about having a little one? Visit your gynecologist ASAP!