One of the most notable companies in the world would be Coca-Cola. As a matter of fact, they might have started before you were even born. Coca-Cola has been the bread-and-butter of beverage and refreshments so it’s quite evident that they really were one of the pillars of carbonated drinks.

But have you ever wondered why the Coca-Cola logo is color red? More so, have you ever thought of the reason why the combination of the font style, the theme, and texture of their brand goes perfectly with what they offer?
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What is Coca-Cola?
If you’ve been living under a rock, then you probably haven’t heard of Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola is one of the most popular brands in the retail industry. In fact, one of the reasons why Coca-Cola is popular is because of the fact that Coke originally had cocaine in it.
Now, Coca-Cola is known to be one of the most dominant products in all retail outlets globally. And, according to some experts, how they present themselves drastically help with their sales.
So is there a probable reason why the Coca-Cola logo is color red?
This question seems to be a bit odd in nature. Why? Because no one actually ever thought and made a big deal out of this. However, some people are curious enough to push things through that’s why they go over their limit and really try to find out the reasons why.
There are some people who believe that the color comes from the first advertisements done by the company. If you’re not aware, one of the first and most famous ads that the company had was a Santa Claus ad wearing his famous suit which is red and white while holding a bottle of Coca-Cola.
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Coca-Cola was diligent and helpful enough to explain the situation and according to them, the color-scheme of the logo of their famous brand can be traced back to the very first branding of Coca-Cola.
Coca-Cola History
The story of this brand dates back to the 8th of May year 1886 when Coca-Cola was served at Jacob’s Pharmacy. During this time, only nine (9) drinks were sold in a year. Then, Frank Robinson, the accountant of the company, named the famous drink as we know of it now—Coca-Cola.
What he thought was that the two (2) Cs would look very well in advertising the product—what he thought was actually legit.
In addition to that, the first Coca-Cola bottling business began when the first contract was agreed upon. It was called the Hutchinson style back then.
In the year 1990, Hilda Clark, a musical performer was the first celebrity to be part of Coca-Cola’s advertising projects. These include bookmarks, posters, trays, and stickers.
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1915 was the year when the known Coca-Cola contour bottle was released. It was designed by Alexander Samuelson, a glass engineer from Gothenburg.
The metal disc sign which is color red was first introduced in the year 1947. It was ranging from twelve (12) to forty-eight (48) inches back then.
Last but most definitely not the least would be the red and white logo which was the latest and the newest graphic and design for the Coca-Cola system.
So why is the Coca-Cola logo color red?
As you’ve read in their history, the Coca-Cola beverage was sold in barrels at both pharmacies and d**g stores in America. As it was before, it was sold and given to the public like how a*****l was.
The only difference between Coca-Cola and a*****l is that a*****l was taxed by then—Coca-Cola as not. Because of this, Coca-Cola started to paint their barrels red for tax officials and officers to distinguish the barrels of a*****l from their barrels.
So, part of the plan on why the Coca-Cola logo is red is partly because of booze—to be able to distinguish a*****l from Coke.
Most usually, you will see different combinations of three (3) different shades of red—and it just revolves around those colors. So, that’s the real reason why the Coca-Cola company just loves the hue of the color red in relation to producing, advertising, manufacturing, and selling their product.
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The Coca-Cola Logo
From the time it was born, the Coca-Cola logo has been a trademark of time and brands. One thing people loved about Coke is because of its sophisticated and fashionable logo—other than the fact, of course, that it bore a refreshing drink.
From the time that the shaped bottle and the color scheme came into existence, it has been the trademark of the brand. The rest that happened now is history.
Ted Ryan, Coca-Cola archivist, said that before, when you saw the distinctive values of the brand, you will know that it’s Coca-Cola.
You see a red disc icon on a storefront, and you know that you’ll be able to get delicious, ice-cold Coca-Cola there. It became a promise in a way.”
Coca-Cola font
If in case you were wondering what the font of the famous Coca-Cola brand is, it is in the official font called Spencerian. Since the early 1800s until today, it has been registered and known as the official font of Coca-Cola.
Frank M. Robinson was the one who actually matched this script to the brand name. Ideally, this was after he said that two (2) letter Cs would go better and will be more attractive in advertisement.
Nice Branding Agency, an agency of marketing, posted a photo that contained the small but wonderful history of the Coca-Cola logo. In this photo, you can see the transformation of the branding of the company’s logo from its simplest to the one we know of now.

Thanks to the continuous work of all people involved in the expansion of the brand, we now know the history of the Coca-Cola brand in terms of its branding and its logo.
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Although it’s quite unclear what the reason is for the color to be what it is, it is quite evident that the logo color of the brand hasn’t always been what we know of it now. As a matter of fact, it came to a point when it was just black and white.
Red barrels over 100 years ago—colors of advertisements, and other clues in the color of the brand is the real reason why the famous brand bears the red color. Now that you know why the Coca-Cola logo is color red, it won’t bother you in your sleep anymore.