The Wonder Woman movie is about to hit big screens all over the world. This highly anticipated movie comes this summer into theaters. Gal Gadot, will play the role of the Amazon Princess Diana of the Island of Themyscira.
This thrilling and awaited Wonder Woman movie more than any of Warner Bros.’ current DC Comics films, is the first major studio superhero film directed by a woman, Patty Jenkins.
You will enjoy this film if you are a fan of “Man of Steel,” “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” and “S*****e Squad,” “Wonder Woman”. However, if you did not like those movies, that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying this.
It also stars Chris Pine, Robin Wright, Danny Huston, David Thewlis, Connie Nielsen and Elena Anaya.
To give you a slight glimpse of the movie…

In Wonder Woman, the 5000-year-old princess Diana, the daughter of Queen Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen) and Zeus grows up on the island of Themyscira, where Amazons are trained as warriors. Diana’s Mom wants her spared from war philosophy and patriarchal culture. It’s her aunt Antiope (Robin Wright) who trains the young Diana in secret.
After Diana Prince learned about the ongoing event of World War I from an American pilot and spy Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) whose plane crashes on the island of Themyscira. He notifies Diana Prince about World War I, and then Diana leaves her home for London to bring an early end to the war and becomes Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman is enhanced by its setting in the past: World War I.

And then there’s Gal Gadot, who had the nearly impossible task of being the woman who would -be Wonder Woman after Linda Carter.
At her side for the fight is Chris Pine, an A-list Hollywood leading man. When they’re not dodging bullets together, Pine’s Steve Trevor desperately and comically tries to persuade Diana (Wonder Woman) not to walk around England with her sword and shield all the time.
These moments show Gadot and Pine’s strong chemistry, pointing to another difference that sets this film apart from other DC films.
One highlight of the film is in one of her battles. In a scene where she used her forearm bracers to deflect a bullet back into the g*n from which it came, Wonder Woman takes on a German military officer. The officer got perplexed and shocked at the power she exudes.
In addition to that, be on the lookout for the scene where it incredibly displays of Wonder Woman’s superhuman strength. Of course, we won’t tell you what scene that is.
Snyder contributed to the story for Wonder Woman along with Allan Heinberg and Jason Fuchs. He also originally cast Gadot as Wonder Woman for her bit part in Batman v Superman. They equipped her with a masterfully crafted suit by costume designer Michael Wilkinson and gave her the most-praised moment in that film.
Her entrance, followed by her battle against Superman-killer Doomsday.
Wonder Woman didn’t need a top-notch villain, but it got a fantastic one in Ares the God of War. No one believes in Ares and therefore no one sees him coming. You won’t see it either, but his arrival is quite the moment.
Nevertheless, you can’t deny that Jenkins has directed WB/DC’s best film by a lot. Wonder Woman has multi-movie franchise written all over it; she would be a welcome part of Wonder Woman’s future sequels.
WB/DC has often seemed to be rushing to catch up with Marvel Studios in building a connected universe. However with Wonder Woman, WB/DC has finally taken advantage of having access to some of the greatest superheroes in pop culture and made the type of movie everyone expected when they first announced they would try to build a movie universe the Marvel Studios way. “Justice Leaguers” with movies on the way (Aquaman, Flash, Batman) would be wise to follow her lead.
The movie injects a lot of feminism and body positivity in her Wonder Woman tale – not just to her character. The most wonderful thing she achieved with this is a story that is good for all ages and genders. These types of stories are increasingly difficult to come by; when such superhero runs are well-executed, they deserve to be celebrated.
Wonder Woman addresses issues that are unique to our modern world. The Spirit of Truth touches only briefly on Diana’s Themysciran origin and how she wants to comport herself accordingly.
In bringing Diana to modern day she ends up facing off against t********s and going to places in the world that many of the readers have never been. The story, I can assure you, will do a good job at showing and telling the reader to think critically about some very current world events through the lens of Wonder Woman’s simplicity about our contemporary history.
Wonder Woman is proven worthy of her continued status in the zeitgeist. The visuals are painterly in a manner that recalls the ancient inspiration in the character.